Thursday, November 15, 2012

Days of Thanks :: Day four

Day four: I am thankful for my daddy.

Think what you want... I still call my dad, daddy. Most people that know me well, know my love for snowboarding. My dad has always been behind my snowboarding, he was the one who bought me my first snowboard. Made sure I got to the ski hill on a regular basis, and made sure I had a seasons pass so I could practice. I learned how to ski at a very young age and quickly took a liking to snowboarding. He has always encouraged me to practice and do my best at everything. I'm so thankful for his commitment to always encourage me to chase after my dreams. Another really cool thing about my dad is how much he loves the Brewers. This summer we went to my first brewers game, and it was so fun experiencing that with him! If I were to dig through photo boxes at my moms house I'm sure I could find countless photos of us growing up. I sadly do not have many pictures of him and I on my current computer.

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