Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day of Thanks :: Day 5 + 6

Days five + six: I am thankful for my husband.

Okay, okay. I know I missed a day. Life gets busy, that's why I typically don't do these feature so many days in a row things. I am always SO busy, so it's hard for me to post every day consistently. I am working really hard to change that because I love posting. Anyway, since I had two days open to do, I figured I would put them together. My husband is so worth two days of thanks, actually I would just talk about him and post pictures of us all ten days.. but you guys would probably get bored. I am so so SO thankful for him. He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me (besides Jesus, of course. He is the obvious #1). Jason is the biggest blessing in my life. He teaches me so much and gives me so much insight on life. I love that he is a man of God, and stands up for what he believes in. He is so encouraging and so loving. Not to mention we look pretty dang good together :)

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