Saturday, January 26, 2013

This is a year of change.

     This year started off changing. Everyday there was something new that was ushering Jason and I into a new season, growing us more into the people God wants us to be! We started off the year with a knock on our door from our landlord saying we had 30 days to move... WHAT? We were so taken back... we never missed rent, we are quiet tenants, keep our apartment clean. To find out that our landlord himself is moving into our apartment. Remember in November when I said that we LOVE our apartment?? Yeah, well we're moving in what now is a week. This first event of the year opened our eyes to the fact that God is bringing us into something new. Obviously a new house, but also He is trying to go deeper with us. He is constantly trying to go deeper with every person... isn't it great that our God is constantly pursuing us all?!

      2013 is an interesting year for everyone. A good majority of people believed that there was not going to be a 2013, even that we weren't going to live until Christmas. Surprise! It's well passed that time and we're all still here (was that really a surprise???). As we went into this year it was already set up to be an exciting, innovative, and year of new things. So many people that I know are being brought into new seasons. Which to me, is amazing. Which brings me to our next "changing event" of the year. Which happened to come just hours after finding out we had to move. We had a New Years Eve youth outreach. Everyone that serves with the Youth have been waiting for an actual youth outreach to come to fruition. Well, it did... and then was shortly ended by some cops shutting us down due to small legal things. While this seemed like such a bummer, it opened up new doors for the ministry. The building that we did for the outreach is now our new place of worship. How cool is that?! Thank you Lord for closing a door, and opening a new one. As things are changing in our personal lives, they are also changing for the ministry. We are all so thankful and eager to see what is next.

     Which leads us to the next time of change. We were having some issues finding a new place to live and were two weeks away from having to move when I got a call from a paramedic saying that Jason was walking to work and had been hit by a car going 40 MPH. I left work not really know what was going on, and quite frankly freaking out. More internally than anything else. I tried my hardest to hold it together for my husband. Most people know the whole story, I would probably run out of room on this post if I told the entire thing. This was possibly the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me, and definitely was the most traumatic thing that has happened to us in our marriage so far. He was in the hospital for a few days and now is home and sore, tired, and just ready to be better. Through this horrible experience, we have grown closer to God and to each other. God is making our ministry together so clear and bringing it to a point that we can actually see and plan some really exciting things. With all this said, it has been a very busy moth so far. Keep checking back for updates on photography AND ministry things. I'll also keep throwing in some health updates of Jason. Please forgive me for my lack of posting, but I hope this super long blog makes up for it!

Since this is my photography blog, I figure I should post some photos. Please forgive the crappy iPhone photos. :)

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