Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years resolution

I'm typically not your girl that sets resolutions. I've never been into it, and have never had the desire for typical resolutions. But this year is a little different. We're only on day one of 2013, and God is already bringing us out of a season and into a new one. Over the past 24 hours Jason and I have experienced more ups and downs than we did the whole month of December. We are so thankful to The Lord that he reigns, and has a perfect plan for us. We are not skilled to understand what God has willed and planned. And for that, we rejoice. This next year is going to be a year full of amazing things. Our ministry is beginning to become more clear as God reveals something new every day, Jason and I are both working on some music, I see my small little photography business growing. There are hundreds of changes and exciting things coming our way. With all this said, cheers to a happy new year.

Here's to change; My New Years resolution this year is to do what I love, and take pictures daily & be a more consistent blogger.

What is your resolution??

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